

A new way to work: the next-generation of network assistance

Now, rely on UTORA intelligence to visualise networks, discover insights and take rapid actions. It is the easiest way to discover, diagnose & repair networks instantly.


Network Actions & Insights


Network Discovery & Intelligent Inventory

Discover network devices to learn about end-of-life, inventory insights & network topology.


Network Link & Device Performance

In real-time, detect only the relevant issues, affecting the end-users, related to device & link performance.


Configuration & Compliance Assessment

Secure device configurations, OS vulnerabilities and comply with key industry compliance e.g NIST/PDSS.


Network Reporting & Analytics

Easy to comprehend network reports, status, health scores, historical data, events, changes & improvements.

UTORA NetworkAssistance

Supercharge your network team productivity
UTORA revolutionizes network visibility by combining info from devices and links, making it super easy to perform daily activities like spotting network issues, assessing network health, making a performance report or planning an equipment design upgrade.

UTORA NetworkAssistance

The fastest way to detect, diagnose & repair
UTORA intelligence eliminates the irrelevant alerts to improve detection time. It performs deep-dive analysis of network data and provides recommendations to cut down the troubleshooting effort. And, brings forward advanced automation features to repair networks instantly.

UTORA NetworkAssistance

The simplified single-screen visual assistant
UTORA effortlessly translates network data into intuitive visualisations, be it – device topology, configuration gaps or network link performance. This visual clarity empowers you to take corrective actions with super-high speed and accuracy. This capability results in over 80% reduction in your detection & resolution times.

UTORA NetworkAssistance

The powerhouse of network data analysis
Starting from sub-second level of network performance data to vendor level device end-of-life information – UTORA collects a range of network information. On this data, UTORA helps you perform chart-based, drill-down analysis. Now, you will never need to download & process data in excel sheets anymore.

UTORA NetworkAssistance

The light-weight Cloud service
UTORA brings you a true Cloud option which provides faster time-to-value – a light-weight approach to installed footprint, shorter deployment time and no maintenance efforts. You can solely focus on planning, monitoring and managing the network with UTORA taking care of the rest of it.

UTORA NetworkAssistance

Network insights made-for-you to help take rapid actions

Multiply Productivity

UTORA is designed to super charge the productivity of your team of network practitioners.

Simplify Workflows

AI-built automation to simplify 80% of manual workflows in your network team’s regular activities.

Verify Time-to-Value

UTORA provides verifiable ways to measure the time-to-value achieved by your investment.


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